Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Glory-of-the-snow (chionodoxa)

On Monday I managed to get myself out of the house for the first time in quite a few days -- but only as far as the garden.  There was plenty to see:

 Yes, there will be roses climbing up the side of our cottage, just as you'd expect

 One perfect iris

My first hydrangea in 21 years of gardening -- and there are TWO of them

 This is just outside my back door, and I am giddy at the thought that it might be hawthorn

One of many roses, and a deliberately blurry shot because oh my, the weeds & downed branches yet to address!

 And just beyond the garden were plenty more declarations of spring.

 Seabirds enjoying snacks in a newly plowed field... a companionable blackbird and robin looked on.

 And on the neighbor's stone wall, somebody bearing old berries and new leaves.

(This might look familiar, but please note the new color emerging)

 Not too shabby a place to live, I reckon.

(Alert readers will notice that the shrub in the second photo is not, in fact, a climbing rose.  Oops! and Ha!  I think it's probably the ornamental cherry that resides in the hedge by the driveway.  But I'm leaving it here because its foliage is more interesting than the rose's.  Or maybe because I really need to wrap this up and eat some lunch...)


  1. Lots of exciting things to look forward to. I wonder if the Hawthorn might, in fact, be Blackthorn; if it is you will be able to make Sloe Gin with the black fruits (drupes) come September.

  2. Oh my goodness! That iris! And that view!!! Everything looks so SUNNY!

    I still can't believe you live there…


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