Earlier this week I took the train to St. Louis for a fun getaway. The first day I went to the St. Louis Zoo. It was the only day I took my camera along, but I made up for it by taking 517 photos. After looking through them, though, I noticed that they either looked a little blurry, as though they were taken through thick panes of filthy glass – which most of them were – or they could accompany a treatise on why zoos are the most depressing places on earth, which hadn't been my intention at all.
So, here are the most innocuous photos of the bunch. And maybe I'll put a few more on my Flickr page in case anyone wants to see the rest…
The walk to the zoo; taken in front of the St. Louis Art Museum. |
You can't go wrong with penguins. |
Ditto. |
You can always have fun swimming. |
Comical expression! |
And a cheetah for Lynn! |
oh hello little penguin, you're a cutie x
ReplyDeleteYou got the cheetah! SCORE. Can't wait to show the Big Lad, for old time's sake.
ReplyDeleteGreat non-depressing tour!
Amy you share with your sister a fabulous eye! Gorgeous pics. Thank you for reminding me that zoos are not dens of despair. The St. Louis Zoo really does its best to provide for the captive critters. Is there anyone who does not love penguins?
ReplyDeleteThank you, Polly! :)
ReplyDeletehard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me si iom
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