Sunday, May 3, 2015


The clouds flung it down bucket-style all morning and into the afternoon, but by about three o'clock the rain had tapered to sprinkles and I was ready for a walk.

I drove a short distance to the bridge that connects Ladykirk in Scotland to Norham in England, and hoofed it along the Tweed (yes, I'm awfully fond of that river) on the Scottish side.

It's one of my favorite paths, in large part because I get to commune with sheep.

And their lambs. 

(Does that ever get old??)


Speaking of walking...I spent a good portion of the rainy morning glued to The Bimbler, a gorgeous and addictive photo blog about leisurely walks in southwestern England (mostly).  After reading it, I'm pretty sure I need a hammock, a tent stove (okay, and a tent), and a shiny tea kettle fueled via a compartment that holds twigs.  Thanks for the tip, Toni!


  1. I am glad that you are enjoying the blog. I confess to wanting the stove too.


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