Wednesday, May 20, 2015


As I approached the garden pond the other day to see if I could spy the turtle in the water, I was shocked to come upon this sight:

It just didn't look right! Fortunately, though, Turtle was just sunbathing in the most awkward, uncomfortable-looking manner on top of some random rocks I had lying around to anchor landscape fabric.

The scene improved when Turtle retracted his/her neck a bit at my approach, casting a wary eye my direction.

Poor thing is blanketed by the floating plants that seem to have entirely taken over the water garden.

I'm just glad all is well and Turtle is enjoying his/her stay in our little pond! (Not that you can tell from that expression…!)


  1. Phew! I was terrified that it was another bullfrog-eats-another-frog scenario. Nobody needs to witness that. (Love the elegant green "veil.")

  2. No, that probably wouldn't have been in keeping with the "looking for beauty" theme. Unless you were the winning bullfrog, I guess.

  3. looks like mr turtle is topped with pesto!


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